Hound Dog Day is a free community event hosted by McCandlish Lillard to raise awareness and funds for local dog charitable organizations. The event originated as an annual celebration occurring around August 2 that was devised by a former principal of McCandlish Lillard, Jesse B. Wilson, as a summertime counterpart to Groundhog Day. The “legend” involves a Hound Dog’s decision to walk across the front porch with or without stopping for a drink of his water bowl. If the dog stops, summer will continue for six weeks. If not, fall will come early.

This is the first year that McCandlish Lillard is celebrating the “firm holiday” by hosting a free community event benefiting dog rescue leagues. Our team has planned a day full of family and furry fun at Lake Fairfax Park. We invite you to share the day with us at our FREE community event in support of local dog rescue leagues! Bring your pup and play for the day!