Our Services
Trust & Estate Litigation
McCandlish lawyers represent individuals, fiduciaries and beneficiaries in litigation involving wills, trusts, estates and fiduciary relationships. The attorneys in McCandlishโs Trust and Estate Litigation practice have experience handling virtually every kind of dispute involving trustees, beneficiaries, heirs, personal representatives, guardians, conservators, and other entities in fiduciary litigation. McCandlish lawyers understand the unique issues in fiduciary disputes and work collaboratively with estate planners, tax attorneys, accountants, guardians ad litem, and other professionals to resolve complex fiduciary matters.

A Century of Looking Forward
Since 1908
McCandlish lawyers have represented beneficiaries and other interested persons challenging and defending the validity of a will or trust based on allegations of undue influence, mental incapacity, fraud, mistake, inadequate formalities and other grounds. Our fiduciary litigators also represent clients in actions defending or contesting accountingโs.
McCandlish lawyers are experienced in prosecuting and defending breach of fiduciary duty claims involving: duty of loyalty, duty to avoid conflicts of interest, duty to account, duty to prudently invest assets, and duty to exercise reasonable care. Our litigators additionally represent beneficiaries and fiduciaries in disputes involving the valuation and recovery of trust or estate assets.
McCandlishโs Trust, Estate and Fiduciary Practice Group provides representation to persons in connection with guardianship and conservatorship proceedings for individuals who are allegedly mentally or physically incapacitated. In connection with such proceedings, McCandlish lawyers have experience litigating disputes arising from gifts of assets or transfers of assets made prior to death.
McCandlish lawyers represent clients before the Internal Revenue Service and state tax authorities with respect to gift, estate, income, generation-skipping transfer, and other tax appeals.
For more information about McCandlish Lillardโs Trust, Estate, and Guardianship Disputes practice, or to request an initial consultation about your case, we invite you to review the profiles of our fiduciary litigation attorneys and to contact them directly.
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Trust & Estate Litigation
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